Beautiful me, Beautiful you

Friday, February 20, 2015

Recommended Beauty Books

I love beauty and fashion books to learn or find inspiration. These five books I totally recommend if you are interested.

- Makeup -

This book is so incredibly helpful! It goes through step by step of makeup application.  This is one of the only makeup books I have read that mentions eating good food so your skin can be at its best. This book is so helpful for beginners that are just starting to use makeup.

This book is about being successful and confident where ever you are. It has many parts to it including fashion and makeup. I like this book because it is really inspiring.

- Fashion -

This book is a really random selection. I like this book  because it has the full history from the very first shoe to the modern shoe of today. I just find that really interesting.

This book is really popular because it's a really good book. I was confused when I bought this book because I thought it was a book showing you an outfit a day, like a calendar. But It's not. 
The title really confused me so I thought I would explain it. The 3 in the title stands for 3 different occasions that are most common in your life. The 6 stands for 6 staple items in your wardrobe for different seasons. The 5 stands for 5 always essential accessories for different seasons. This book has so many inspirational quotes by fashion icons in it. I really like it!

  - Inspiration -

I chose Audrey Hepburn for my inspiration because I like her style I think it is classic. You can choose any body you look up to or admire. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

♥ Day 15/100 - Clean Eating Challenge

Intake for Day 14 of my 100 day clean eating challenge!

- Breakfast -
- 2 piece of California bread
-2 egg white fried in the middle

- Lunch -
-Home popped popcorn with Italian seasoning and a lot of garlic                  (it tasted like pizza!)

- Dinner -
- 2 pieces of california bread 
- Berry tea

Today I wish I ate more fruit. I don't know why I didn't.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

♥ Day 14/100 - Clean Eating Challenge

Intake for Day 14 of my 100 day clean eating challenge!

- Breakfast -
I didn't eat breakfast because I wasn't hungry.

- Lunch -

I ate lunch at Moes and I did my best to stay healthy and clean.

- All in one bowl I had: brown rice, tomatoes, onions, corn, and lettuce
- Tortilla chips

- Dinner -
- Freeze dried apple 
- A few salted almonds
I wasn't really that hungry.

- Exercise -
My mom and I walk 4.40 miles.
Some home school friends and I went bowling

♥ Day 13/100 - Clean Eating Challenge

Intake & Exercise for day 1 of my 100 day clean eating challenge!

- Breakfast -
-Banana smoothie with yellow Blendfresh

- Lunch -
- Buddha bowl: quinoa, cashew butter, green onions, and carrots
(This sunflower was in the cafe. It was so pretty!)

- Dinner -
- 1 piece of California bread
-1 egg white fried in the middle

Monday, February 16, 2015

♥ Day 12/100 - Clean Eating Challenge

Day 12 of 100 of my clean eating challenge!

- Breakfast -

- Banana smoothie with Blendfresh (again!)

 - Lunch -

- Several scoops of peanut butter

- Dinner -
I wasn't that hungry for dinner.


- Snacks -
- Blue chips
(I drank so much water today!)

♥ Day 11/100 - Clean Eating Challenge

Intake for Day 10 of my 100 day clean eating challenge!

- Breakfast -
- Banana smoothie with Blendfresh 

- Lunch -
- Leftover vegan Alfredo sauce 
- edamame pasta

- Dinner -
I didn't eat dinner because I wasn't hungry.

- Snacks -
- Blue Chips

Sunday, February 15, 2015

♥ Day 10/100 - Clean Eating Challenge

Intake for Day 10 of my 100 day clean eating challenge!

- Breakfast -
- Banana smoothie with Blendfresh 

- Lunch -

I did not eat lunch because I was still full from my smoothie.

- Dinner -

- Homemade creamy vegan ceaser salad
- Chickpea curtons 
- Homemade vegan alfrado sauce 
- edamame pasta

-Dessert -

Since it is the weekend I get dessert! I get sweets. Yay!
- Some almond ice cream 

- Exercise -
It was so cold outside and I was working on school.

I hope everyone had a good Valentines day!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

♥ Day 9/100 - Clean Eating Challenge

Day 9 of 100 of my clean eating challenge!

- Breakfast -

I didn't eat breakfast because I woke up to late.

 - Lunch -

- Potatoes roasted in vegetable broth
- Leftover cold fish (This was so good together!)

- Dinner -
My family went to sushi for dinner.
- 4 pieces of nigiri with salmon on top and brown rice on the bottom
- Small cup of miso soup 


 Dessert -

Since it is Friday I get dessert! I get sweets. Yay!
- Some almond ice cream dream bites

- Snacks -
- A honey crisp with peanut butter 


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Day 8/100 - Clean Eating Challenge

Intake & Exercise for day 8 of my 100 day clean eating challenge!

- Breakfast -

I didn't eat breakfast again! I'm just not a breakfast person.

 - Lunch -

- Organic ramen ( It was a different kind than yesterday. And it wasn't that good so I only had half.)

- Dinner -

- Smoothie made of: 2 bananas, blend fresh protein powder, and blend fresh yellow powder.


- 2 apples with peanut butter

- Exercise -
I went on a walk with my mom and her friend, we walked 5 miles.

Day 7/100 - Clean Eating Challenge

Here is my intake & exercise for day 7 of 100:

- Breakfast -

- One slice of spouted grain bread
- Pesto


- Organic jade ramen (This was my first time having this. It was so good!)

- Dinner -
- 1 cara cara orange (This type of orange is my favorite.)

- My mom went to a movie and brought back popcorn. And my dad and I couldn't control our self over the movie pop corn . 

        I was being lazy! yay! (・∀・)/