Beautiful me, Beautiful you

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

100 Day Clean Eating

Reading the title, you might think what the heck is this challenge that I want to put myself through for 100 days and WHY!?

Well, let me explain to you. This challenge is all about clean eating and it is very simple to understand:

For 100 days, I'm not eating 
1) Chicken, pork, and beef  
2) Fried or sugary
3) Dairy 

I am allowed to eat
- Veggies
- Fruits
- fish
- Healthy fats found in avocado & nuts 
- Whole grains such as brown rice 
- Egg whites

     So as you can see, this is not a "fad diet" as "diets" are not considered to be healthy or a long time solution. What I'm doing is changing what I am eating to be more healthy and...I really, REALLY want to let go of wanting to eat bread, dairy, and sweets!

      I thought about keeping this challenge a secret for me, but then I realized that it'd be super fun to share healthy recipes & fitness tips with you guys! Also, I'm keeping a diary for every day, yes, EVERY DAY of my 100 Day Clean Eating Challenge, so I can show you that it is indeed possible to eat healthy even when you are traveling, studying for a test, stressed, going to an event with lots of yummy stuff & you're tempted, blah blah blah!

Let's GO! 

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